Saturday, November 14, 2009

Very bored now...

Take another quiz from William's blog again...

1) State your full name.
Neo Jun Wei

2) Is Pikachu cuter than Doraemon?
Doraemon cuter lah

3) Minus the ego, what's the worst thing, you'd think, a man can have?
No more proof that he's a man anymore

4) How long is your average bath time?
3~5min. Shortest is between the time tv commercial break
5) Do you think butterflies are beautiful?

6) If you've answered yes for the previous question, what's your problem? If not, skip.
What the problemof thinking butterfly is beautiful?

7) Exactly, in the description of one word, what is money to you?

8) What's your favourite television show?
Singapore drama

9) Set 1 school rule you think is appropriate.
Handphones are allowed

10) On your birthday, what would you like?
Some nice things

11) Are dreams common to you?
Ar bo?

12) Mary had a little lamb, Bobby had _____________. Fill in the blank(s).

13) Would you rather have colour or sound?
Sound. No colour still can see what

14) How is Obama related to you?
he's not related to me.

15) If your house was going up in flames, what is the one thing you'd take?

16) Are cats friends or foes?
I prefer dogs

17) You are a girl, let's say. What hair would you like your boyfriend/husband to have? Eg like whose maybe?

18) What is your favourite time of the day?
The time where you can see the sun woke up

19) Together, forever, ________, whatever. Fill in the blank.

20) A $700 bike? Or a $1000 camera?

21) If you must rename yourself, what would it be?
Don't know....

22) Pink is your favourite colour? This is a rhetorical question, of course!

23) As much as you want to become famous, what is of equal importance?
Friends and Family

24) How many children do you intend to have?
Maybe 1 or 2

25) Too much ________ makes me sick! Fill in the blank.

26) What do you think about when you're running your 2.4km fitness test?
Can I faint already?

27) What will you do to save the economy from this credit crunch?
What can a 14 years old guy do?

28) Will you ever go to Cambodia or any other third world country to help build houses for the poor and needy?
Of course if I have money

29) Will you do something you like during your free time or work for money?
Being lazy and have money

30) When you go Starbucks, would you try to get attention from that hot guy/girl serving you behind the counter?
No lah. She will try to get my attention

31) What does center parting mean to you?
What the hell?!

32) Are dogs really man's best friend?
They say so, so they are lor.

33) What would you like to add to the school's canteen menu?
All kind of food

34) What's the maximum number of times you failed Chinese?
Like everytime lor

35) When you see a rainbow, what comes to mind?
Mooncake time. Changer is coming!

36) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Chicken if in the dict

37) Would you ever go to a slimming centre?
No lah! Why waste this kind of money?

38) Must you be 29 years old at least, to own an expensive wallet?
Why would I want to buy a expensive wallet? Later kenna rob

39) Would you slap yourself if you fail Maths?
No lah. Try again lo

40) What happens when the solid melts? ( Kinetic Particle Theory )
Become liquid lah

41) Will you ever travel to Flakland for a vacation? If not, where to?
Japan or Taiwan

42) Who is your all time favourite superhero?
Power ranger or transformer

43) Childbearing equates burdens. Do you agree?
My business?!

44) If you had 3 lives, what would you do with them?
Try 3 way to die

45) Is an A1 English grade any different from an A2?
Ar bo?

46) Is an F9 ( or maybe even U ) Chinese grade any different from an A2?
You got go school before?

47) What's your favourite flower and it's colour?

48) If you had shopping vouchers would you flaunt it in your friend's face and use them while he/she has to spend their own money, or spend your own money together with him/her?
I prefer keeping this to myself.

49) Has your bestfriend ever pissed you off, and how?
No. I don't even have one...

50) What is more important, the aircon you live for or the issue of global warming?
Both is important

Waiting for sunrise to go climb mountain.

Currently watching "Ah long pte ltd" and Liang po po.

Just now play BF2.

Rank is being deleted again.

Back to private.

Was having a lot of fun with another player.

We two were at the mountain.

I am the sniper, while he use the binocular.

Then he keep watching so focus even when I run away he also don't notice.

Then I go to his front and keep puting the face in front of it...

Then he keep shouting "go away!!!"

He sound like american or australian like that.

2.5 hours more to wait until 6am.

Cousins maybe coming Singapore few weeks later.

4 in total.

1 10yrs old now, 1 9, another 6, and last one around 3,4.

Another 4 in singapore.

All under 7.

I am going to be dead soon....

Mum ask me want go malaysia by myself or not.

Because I keep saying everyday so boring.

There got children.

Mum say I need to being laptop there so not bored to death...

There no internet leh!

Nevermind... can play cd game.

I want Battlefield 2142!!!!

It seems more fun leh!

Okay lah... nothing to say liao


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