Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This few days I have accomplished quite a few things!!!!

1) Diving into 1.85m with full body contact with the floor.
It way not be as easy as you thing. There are two things you need to cope with.
The first one is oxygen. When you dive till there, you oxygen level is like 3/4 gone.
Cannot stay there for long.
The second is pressure. The water will force into our body through our ears.
So it will be very painful....

2)Playing Battlefield special force, euro force and armored fury.
More weapons and vehicle. The only disadvantae with these new maps
is that they contain too much tanks.We were just like fighting only with tanks.
No gun is used at all...

3)Visiting a "lan shop"
I did not play actually. Just visit. My neighbour was asking me to go swimming
on tuesday, found out that that day close....
So we go SAFRA go play lan shop.
I want play call of duty 4 one.
But too much people liao, still need queue up leh.
So just look look lor.
Inside was so noisy!!!!!
You basically have to shout in order to communicate.
Stay inside for a few second then run away liao.

4)"Door spoilt"
My bedroom door is officially spoiled!!!!
(Nothing to celebrate about.....)
Now need the key to open liao.

5)Learning how to download music into MP3.
Thanks to William!!! He teach until vomit blood.
(or bang wall)
So I have to press "save" instead of "open"
Get it now....

6)Going back to malaysia
Going back to grandma house on 5th dec.
Maybe bringing back cousin to singapore.
But 16th dec going to melaka with tour.
If cousin really got come then i will stay with him in Singapore.
First time staying overnight without parents in house!!!!

i think that's all..............


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