Sunday, November 1, 2009

Found a new website other than youtube liao.

No copy right issue.

Even transformer can also be watched there.

Now watching singapore drama here.

The "just in singapore" super funny

Today nothing practically happened.

wake up, watch tv, play com, watch tv again, eat dinner then play com.

Everyday same one lah.

Tomorrow need to help my father again.

Last time help him then kenna office people "remind"

in a very gentle manner.

Like:" uncle ah. children cannot go into stalls one."

She quite gentle lah.

Then too bad lor.

Tomorrow is work in the evening.

The office people go home liao...

So safe lor.

Got salary one leh!!!

Maybe $10 or so...

Still don't know.

Got money go chalet liao!!!

Today mum's friend bought us cake.

Then I was like" Who's birthday?"

After that go restaurant eat.


At jurong point.

the feast there.

Then got one restaurant there very nice.

Then the look is like chinese restaurant.

The food is excellent.

Then the boss attitude is also very good.

then we like friends liao lah.

He complain that renting a space in jurong point so expensive.

Like 1 month $30,000.

then 1 day is like $1,000

He say that 1 day only earn $1,500.

Then pay this pay that no more money liao.

Go try it!

Very nice one.

"back to the topic"

After that go home.



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